Results – The lower face and jawline

The Liquid Facelift is a well known technique using injectables to restore lost volume to the checks which lifts the lower face. Micro-injections to the lip line and philtrum improve definition and restore a down-turned mouth to a positive expression.

Rejuvenation of the lower face and jawline

Name Bethany
Age 50s


Lips had lots of wrinkles in the red and white part and a lack of sharp definition. Bethany She was also concerned about the lines from the nose to the mouth corners and further on to the jaw. These naso-labial fold and marionette lines both in front and side view were giving a very aged and sad/saggy look. Overall her skin had lots of fine lines making for a tired and dull look.


After a consultation with Dr Norup, Bethany opted for a Liquid Facelift. This is a well known technique using injectables to restore lost volume to the checks thus lifting the skin on the lower face. Additional smaller refinements, artfully applied in the mouth and jaw area have addressed lines and wrinkles and lifted the corners of the mouth.


Before: Loss of volume to cheeks. Deep set lines around the mouth.

liquid facelift before

Before: loss of shape and definition to the face. Down turned ‘sad’ mouth was deflecting people.

liquid facelift before

Before: Again, mouth is noticeably turned down at the corners.

liquid facelift

After: Cheeks are plumper and more defined.

liquid facelift

After: Subtle enhancement of the philtrum and cupids bow. Mouth is no longer down turned. Overall expression is happier and more welcoming.

liquid facelift

After: Jawline is smoother and more refined. Mouth line is restored to a positive expression.

Treatment Results

Lips are looking smooth, red and shapely. Skin is brighter and smother with fewer lines and much smoother naso-labial and marionette folds and more pronounced cheekbones, naturally creating a lift to produce a smoother jawline. Relaxing the muscles around the corners of the mouth restores the lips to a more cheerful default appearance – all in all giving a noticeable yet subtle and natural looking ‘lift’.

The Liquid Facelift is a one hour miracle! It does seem pretty amazing that in one appointment Mette can make such a difference. I was impressed by the different range of dermal fillers that were used in small amounts here and there to create just the right effect. I had a real sense of the thought and care being taken. But the effect is brilliant, not over the top and people have commented how well – and happy – I look.”

A reassuringly professional, personal and effective service

The Norup Clinic offers a bespoke service, by appointment only, at our Clinic in Esher, Surrey